In an ongoing effort to enhance services for pregnant patients, Willis Knighton has established an obstetrics emergency department at Willis Knighton South’s Center for Women’s Health.

This department addresses the needs of patients who are experiencing obstetric emergencies. This emergency care is designed for you if you are 20+ weeks pregnant and following your delivery.  This special unit is open 24 hours a day and is covered by a qualified obstetrician and nurses.

Depending on your condition, you will be seen in the OBED and will either be treated and released if your condition is stable or admitted to the labor and delivery unit for further care.

You may want to contact your doctor before you head to the hospital. If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, call 9-1-1 instead of driving to the hospital.

Where is this located?

The OB Emergency Department is located at Willis Knighton South on the 2nd floor of the Center for Women’s Health, adjacent to the Labor and Delivery Unit.

Who provides the care

Physicians: The hospitalists who provide services in the OBED are board-certified in obstetrics/gynecology. They are supported by nurses focused on care for pregnant patients.

The physician in the OBED will not replace your primary obstetrician but will support your primary doctor and communicate information about your condition.

What happens in the OBED?

If something doesn’t seem right and you’re concerned about your health or health of your baby, we want to evaluate you and assure you get the care you need.

You will receive a complete health assessment and any tests that are required will be ordered.

We will use a standard evaluation tool to help us prioritize care for the patients who have the highest risks. If multiple patients arrive at the same time, we need to treat those with the highest risk factors first.

Sometimes patients are referred to specialists like maternal fetal medicine specialists who care for high risk patients or cardiologists who manage elevated blood pressure.

What types of pregnancy concerns are treated?

This list of symptoms offers typical conditions but does not cover every possible symptom.

  • Cramping
  • Contractions before 34 weeks
  • Vaginal spotting/bleeding
  • Abdominal pain
  • Abdominal injury
  • Baby’s movement slow or stopped
  • Breathing problems
  • Fluid leaks
  • Fever
  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Unusual swelling
  • Headache/blurred vision
  • Urinary tract issue
  • Generally not feeling well/normal
  • Flu/Covid symptoms
  • Excessive bleeding after childbirth
  • Postpartum depression
  • Headaches that get worse over time

Will the OBED doctor know about me/my medical history?

If you are currently a patient at Willis Knighton, the doctor will be able to access your medical history. If you do not receive your regular care at Willis Knighton, the doctor will obtain a complete medical history during your exam and can initiate a request for your medical records from another location with your permission.

How will I be billed for OBED care?

This will be billed like any other emergency visit. A bill will include a fee for the emergency room, a fee for the doctor and fees for any tests or care ordered by the doctor. Most insurance is accepted. Be sure you bring your insurance cards with you to the visit. You will be responsible for deductibles.