Theranostics = Therapeutics + Diagnostics

Innovative Cancer Therapy for You

You deserve advanced cancer treatment and Willis Knighton offers it. We are among leading cancer centers worldwide that offer you theranostic medicine to treat cancer.

Cancer theranostics use radioactive isotopes to diagnose and treat cancer with greater accuracy than ever before.

Approach: Advancing Cancer Care with Precision Oncology

Theranostics uses one of the most potent cancer therapies, radiation, taking it to the cellular level. Doctors can find and treat cancer with precision. Doctors use a PET scan to locate and mark cancer cells anywhere in the body. They use an infusion of specialized medicine to deliver radiation to destroy the cells. Thanks to the targeted precision, we can help to protect healthy tissue near the cancer cells, which reduces your risk for side effects. Theranostic therapy at Willis Knighton Nuclear Oncology allows you to live longer and with a better quality of life.