Nuclear oncology is the new frontier for cancer therapy that takes radiation to the cellular level for targeted treatment. Advanced imaging with PET/CT and StarGuide SPECT/CT scanners allows our specialists to pinpoint cancer cells and deliver targeted therapies directly to the cancer. Radiopharmaceuticals are used to diagnose and treat each cancer with precision.

The diagnostic procedure injects radiotracers into your body. These compounds are made of radiation and specialized molecules that bind to appropriate cell receptors in your body. A PET machine scans the body to find cancer cells located by the radiotracers.

During treatment, the imaging tracer is replaced with a therapeutic radiopharmaceutical that has optimal cancer-killing properties. It targets the cancer cells that were identified in the PET scan. Cancer treatment with theranostics shows promising results.

This technique reduces the risk of side effects and damage to healthy tissue nearby.  Willis Knighton Nuclear Oncology is committed to innovation and personalized care that does a world of good in the fight against cancer.

Why choose Willis Knighton Nuclear Oncology?

When you choose Willis Knighton Cancer Center for nuclear oncology, you are assured the expertise of the first cancer center in Louisiana to earn the Radiopharmaceutical Therapy Center of Excellence designation from the Society of Nuclear Medicine & Molecular Imaging. This achievement recognizes our commitment to provide you with high-level cancer care and research.

This quality radiopharmaceutical therapy is part of a comprehensive care plan that gives you: 

  • Thorough evaluations: In-person assessments determine if radiopharmaceutical therapy is the right treatment option for you.
  • Comprehensive follow-up care:Your doctor and therapy team provide support throughout your treatment.
  • A collaborative, patient-focused team: You benefit from experts in radiation oncology, molecular imaging, physics, nursing, research and others who collaborate to deliver care tailored to your needs.
  • Access to advanced technology: StarGuide SPECT/CT and a state-of-the-art PET/CT offer customized treatment options for you that are safe and effective.

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