What is the best time to visit?

In most areas, visitors are welcome between 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. 

How many people can visit at one time? 

Due to the size of rooms and recovery areas, it is best to have no more than two visitors at a time. Large families should rotate visitors during the day. 

Can children visit? 

Please check with the patient’s support person before arriving with a child younger than 12. In general, young children  

  • May visit patients at the discretion of hospital staff, depending on the clinical condition and well-being of the patient
  • Must always be supervised at the hospital 
  • Should not be left alone in waiting areas 
  • Should not visit if they have a runny nose, cough, sore throat, diarrhea, rash or fever 

Are there any restrictions on visitation? 

Hospital staff want to offer open access for visitors. Occasionally, however, visitors must be limited in the best interest of the patient or visitor: 

  • Patient’s clinical condition or if a procedure is in progress, as deemed appropriate by the patient’s doctor
  • Patient’s need for privacy and rest
  • Patient’s risk of infection by the visitor
  • Visitor’s risk of infection by the patient
  • Extraordinary protections due to a pandemic or infectious disease outbreak
  • Reasonable limitations on the number of visitors at any one time
  • Behavior disruptive to the functioning of the patient care unit
  • Behavior presents a direct risk or threat to the patient, hospital staff or others in the immediate environment 

Are intensive care unit (ICU) guidelines different? 

Yes. The serious conditions of ICU patients make for guidelines that are more strict, designed to meet each patient’s need for rest, safety and privacy. We know that visitors play an important role in the healing process, which we balance with the ICU goal of providing private, respectful care that prevents the development and spread of infection. You may be asked to leave the patient’s room during certain procedures, treatments, or if a critical or life-threatening situation arises. You are welcome to stay in the designated waiting area during this time. 

Having a loved one in the ICU can be difficult and stressful. Please care for yourself by eating meals and getting comfortable rest. Join us in creating an atmosphere that promotes healing with these ICU guidelines: 

  • General visitors (excluding clergy) are welcome at 10 a.m., 1 p.m., 5 p.m. and 9 p.m., two at a time, for 20 minutes.
  • Rest periods are from 6:30 to 8:30 a.m., 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. and 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. Please refrain from visiting during these times.
  • One support person may remain at the bedside, except during rest periods.
  • Children should be age 12 or older (no younger children, please).
  • Do not wait in the hallways, because that can impair our staff’s access to patients.
  • Set your cell phone to vibrate for incoming calls and keep the calls as brief as possible to ensure a quiet, restful atmosphere.
  • Use of photography, recording devices or social media by visitors in ICU is strictly prohibited.
  • Keep your valuables with you at all times. Visitors’ belongings should not be stored in the patient’s room. Willis Knighton Health is not responsible for lost, stolen or damaged items. 

Help us protect your loved one from infections: 

  • Always wash your hands, use alcohol foam or hand sanitizer before entering and upon leaving the ICU.
  • Do not take food or beverages into patient rooms.
  • Do not give food or water to the patient without checking with the nurse.
  • Use restrooms in the visitor area. Do not use the bathroom in the patient room/ICU.
  • Do not bring live plants or cut flowers into ICU rooms.