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Nuclear Medicine

Nuclear medicine studies are available at all four hospital locations. These studies are used to diagnose and identify abnormalities very early in the stage of disease as well as to treat numerous medical problems. During these exams, the patient is given a small amount of a radiopharmaceutical, which localizes to a specific organ within the body. A gamma camera is then used to capture and form very precise images of a specific area within the body from the radiation emitted by the radiopharmaceutical.

Some of the nuclear medicine studies provided by Willis-Knighton include: 

  • Bone Scan
  • Cardiac Stress Tests 
  • GI Bleed Scan 
  • Hepatobiliary Scan 
  • Lung Ventilation and Perfusion Scan 
  • MUGA Scan
  • Thyroid Uptake and Scan

All Willis-Knighton nuclear medicine technologists are certified by the Nuclear Medicine Technology Certification Board (NMTCB).