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Willis Knighton’s Radiation Oncology Department Accredited by Two National Organizations

Nov 14, 2024

The radiation oncology department at Willis Knighton Health has again received accreditation by two national organizations – the American College of Radiology (ACR) and American College of Radiation Oncology (ACRO).

The department has been accredited by ACR since 2006 and ACRO since 2012. Renewals are performed every three and four years respectively.

Lane R. Rosen MD, medical director of radiation oncology, indicated that it is uncommon for a radiation oncology department to be accredited by two separate national organizations.  “The department chooses dual accreditation to assure excellence in quality of care,” he said. “By having both of these national organizations review our standards and procedures, patients and referring physicians are assured of the highest standards.”

Accreditation by ACR is based on self-assessment and peer review evaluations in the areas of equipment, medical personnel, quality assurance, policies and protocols and therapeutic treatment. Accreditation by ACRO is based on chart reviews by experts in the field as well as reviews of procedures, staffing, equipment and documentation.

Dr. Rosen said the accreditations demonstrate the department’s commitment to providing high quality care of patients.