• Bunionette Deformity Correction (Distal Fifth Metatarsal Osteotomy)
    This surgical procedure is performed to correct a bunionette, a bony bump on the outer side of the foot at the base of the fifth toe. During this procedure, the surgeon realigns the head of the metatarsal and removes excess bone to eliminate the prominence and give the foot a more natural shape.
  • Bunionette Deformity Correction (Fifth Metatarsal Partial Head Resection)
    This surgical procedure is performed to correct a bunionette, a bony bump on the outer side of the foot at the base of the fifth toe. The procedure removes this excess bone growth, eliminating the bump so that the bunionette does not press painfully against shoes.
  • DuVries Arthroplasty
    This procedure is used to correct deformities such as hammertoe and claw toe. The surgeon shortens a bone in the toe to allow the toe to straighten and return to a more natural posture.
  • Hammertoe Correction (PIP Joint Arthroplasty)
    This surgical procedure is used to correct a hammertoe, a deformity of the toe that causes the toe to become permanently frozen in a bent position. During this procedure, a small piece of bone is removed to shorten the toe and allow it to straighten.
  • Jones Fracture Fixation (Intramedullary Screw)
    This procedure is used to correct a Jones fracture - a fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone of the foot. During this procedure, the surgeon inserts a screw into the metatarsal to stabilize the bone and allow it to heal properly.
  • Jones Fracture Fixation (Open Reduction and Internal Fixation)
    This procedure is used to correct a Jones fracture - a fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone of the foot. During this procedure, the surgeon inserts one or more screws (and sometimes additional hardware) to stabilize the bone and allow it to heal properly.
  • Mallet Toe Correction (DIP Joint Arthroplasty)
    This surgery corrects a toe that has become permanently bent downward. This technique straightens your toe to allow your foot to function normally.
  • SMART Toe Intramedullary Memory Implant
    This fusion device is designed to correct misalignments of the toe bones. It can be used for a range of deformities, including hammertoe, claw toe, mallet toe, arthritis and dislocations. The implant is contained completely within the bones of the toe, leaving no pins or screws sticking out.
  • Tendon Transfer for Hammertoe (FDL tendon transfer)
    This procedure is used to reroute a tendon from beneath a flexible hammertoe to a new path along the top of the toe. Instead of pulling the toe into a bend, the tendon becomes a corrective force that helps straighten the toe.
  • Weil Osteotomy for Claw Toe
    This procedure relieves the symptoms of claw toe, persistent metatarsalgia, metatarsal phalangeal (MTP) joint synovitis or MTP subluxation by shortening the end of the metatarsal at the base of the affected toe. This provides room for the toe to relax and return to its normal position.