Ears and Hearing (14)


Pop Quiz: Ears and Hearing

Question 1

Which of these items has a shape that's similar to one of the bones of the middle ear?


Wrench, stirrup, hinge, crowbar


The stapes, also known as the "stirrup," is one of three tiny bones that help send sound vibrations from the eardrum to the inner ear.

Question 2

OK, let's try this one. True or false: The "decibel" was named in honor of Alexander Graham Bell.


That's true! The decibel was created by Bell Telephone Laboratories, and they named it for their founder.

Question 3

And finally, what do scientists call unwanted, bothersome sounds in the environment?


Linear sounds, ruckus waves, noise pollution, z-noise


It's called noise pollution, and it can harm your ears and your overall health. Thanks for playing!