Ears and Hearing (13)


Pop Quiz: Ears and Hearing

Question 1

What type of sound has a frequency that’s too low for humans to hear?


Extrasound, infrasound, gammasound, harmonic


Infrasound is sound with a frequency below about 20 Hertz. That's beyond the level a human ear can detect. But many animals can hear infrasound.

Question 2

Let's try another one. True or false: Fish can't hear.


That's false! Although fish don't have ears that we can see, they do have ears inside their heads!

Question 3

And finally, what's the name of the membrane that separates the ear canal from the middle ear?


Tympanic membrane, pericardium, pleura, epithelial membrane


It's the tympanic membrane, also known as the eardrum! Did you get it?