Ears and Hearing (10)


Pop Quiz: Ears and Hearing

Question 1

This tiny passageway connects the middle ear to the back of your upper throat.


Sinus pipeline, eustachian tube, Demitri's canal, lateral ossicle


The eustachian tubes help drain your ears. They also help equalize air pressure. If you've ever felt your ears "pop" on an airplane, it's because of your eustachian tubes!

Question 2

Now, try this one. True or false: Earwax contains sweat.


That's true! Earwax is a mixture of an oily substance called "sebum" and apocrine sweat (a form of sweat released from hair follicles).

Question 3

And finally, true or false: If you sleep with a snorer, your hearing could be damaged over time.


True! In a study of snorers and their bed partners, the bed partners had noise-related hearing damage in the ear that faced the snorer. Thanks for playing!