Ears and Hearing (05)


Pop Quiz: Ears and Hearing

Question 1

If you hear ringing, whistling or other sounds that no one else hears, you may have this.


Tinosis, tinnitus, hyperacusis, onomatopoeia


More than 50 million people in the US are affected by tinnitus. It's a common symptom linked to many different health conditions.

Question 2

OK, let's try this one. True or false: The smallest muscle in the human body is found in the ear.


That's true. It's called the stapedius muscle, and it helps protect your inner ear from the damage of very loud sounds.

Question 3

And finally, what's the name of the small bump found in front of the ear canal?


Lobe, helix, node, tragus


It's called the tragus. This thin layer of flexible cartilage and skin works with the rest of the outer ear to help collect sounds and direct them toward your eardrum. Thanks for playing!