da Vinci® Myomectomy for Uterine Fibroids


This minimally-invasive procedure, performed with the da Vinci® Surgical System, is used to remove one or more noncancerous tumors from the wall of the uterus.


After anesthesia is administered, the patient is positioned on an adjustable platform that allows the robotic surgical arms full access to the abdomen. The abdomen is cleaned, sterilized, and inflated with carbon dioxide gas. The gas creates working space for the surgeon's instruments.

Inserting the Manipulator

A uterine manipulator may be inserted into the vagina, allowing the uterus to be moved and positioned as needed.

Accessing the Abdomen

Five small incisions are created on the abdomen. The surgery will be performed through these tiny holes, rather than the large incision traditionally used for open surgery. This approach minimizes pain, scarring, risk of infection, and recovery time.

Inserting the Endoscope

The surgeon attaches an endoscopic camera and various surgical instruments to the robotic arms and carefully inserts the instruments through the incisions. The surgeon then takes a seat at the console to perform the procedure. A video monitor in the console, which is linked to the endoscope, allows the surgeon to view the surgical site in 3D and precisely control the instruments during the surgery.

Exposing the Fibroid

The surgeon uses instruments attached to the robotic arms to carefully open the wall of the uterus, exposing the fibroid.

Removing the Fibroid

The fibroid is carefully separated from the wall of the uterus. The surgeon uses a special device to remove the fibroid. Once the removal is complete, the opening in the uterine wall is sutured closed.

End of Procedure and Aftercare

The instruments are removed from the abdomen, and the incisions are closed and bandaged. Most women will require an overnight stay in the hospital, but should be able to resume normal activities within two to four weeks - about three times faster than recovery for an open procedure.