Chiropractic Care for Shoulder Pain


If you have shoulder pain, you know how much it can affect your daily life. With a painful shoulder, even easy tasks can be hard. But finding the cause of your pain can be tough, because many problems can trigger it. A chiropractor can find out why your shoulder hurts and can help it feel better.


Chiropractic care begins with an exam. This lets your chiropractor see the structure of your skeleton and muscles, and see how your body moves. Your chiropractor may examine your spine in your neck and mid back. X-rays can help show a spinal misalignment or another problem causing your pain or making it worse.

Care and Management

Chiropractic adjustments and exercises may make your shoulder feel better. Other options may also help. You may benefit from a continuing care plan. Your chiropractor can create a plan that is right for your needs.