Bladder Cancer
This is a cancer that begins in your bladder. This muscular organ stores your urine and pushes it out of your body when you urinate. Bladder cancer most commonly affects older people. Without proper treatment, it can spread to other parts
of your body.
Bladder Stones
These masses of minerals form in your bladder. That's the organ that holds your urine. Both men and women get bladder stones, but they are more common in men over 50.
This is one of the most common sexually-transmitted diseases. It's a problem for men and women. Medication easily cures it, but most people who are infected don't realize they have it.
Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD)
This is kidney damage that tends to get worse over time. With chronic kidney disease, your kidneys don't work as well as they should. They don't adequately filter waste from your blood. Then, waste and fluid build up in the body, causing health problems. Over time, your kidneys may lose most of their ability to function. We call this "kidney failure."
Erectile Dysfunction (ED)
This is when a man has trouble getting or keeping an erection. It most often affects older men. It can be embarrassing. It might upset you. And, it's sometimes difficult to talk about.
Flexor Tendon Injuries
The flexor tendons of the hand are responsible for flexion of the fingers and thumb toward the palm. These long structures are connected to the flexor muscles in the forearm. An injury to one of these tendons can cause pain and inability to flex the finger or thumb and grasp with the hand. Common flexor tendon injuries include lacerations, ruptures and inflammation.
These are hardened particles that form inside your gallbladder. This small organ plays a role in digestion. It stores bile, a digestive fluid that helps break down fatty foods and eliminate waste from your body.
This is a sexually-transmitted disease. It affects the genitals, rectum and throat in men and in women. It's cured with medication.
Hepatitis B
This viral infection affects the liver. It causes the liver to swell, and damages liver cells. You can have a short-term hepatitis B infection that gets better without causing lasting harm. Or, you can have a chronic infection. This may cause permanent liver damage.
Herpes (Genital)
This is a common viral infection. It causes small sores on or around your genitals, your buttocks or your anal area. They can also form around your mouth.
Herpes (Oral)
This is a common viral infection. It can cause small sores that we call "cold sores" or "fever blisters." Usually, these form on or around the lips or in the mouth.
This is a disease of your immune system. It begins as an infection by the human immunodeficiency virus, which we call "HIV." Over time, this virus can lead to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. That's the syndrome we call "AIDS."
Kidney Cancer
This disease, also called renal cancer, is a condition in which abnormal cells grow in one or both kidneys. The kidneys are fist-sized organs that filter blood and produce urine. In adults, the most common type of kidney cancer is renal cell carcinoma. This cancer develops inside the lining of small tubes found in the kidney's cortex and medulla regions.
Kidney Failure (Renal Failure)
This is the loss of the function of your kidneys. These are the organs that filter your blood to produce urine. When your kidneys can no longer cleanse your blood, waste builds up in your body. This can be fatal.
Kidney Infection (Pyelonephritis)
This is an infection of one or both of your kidneys. These are the organs that filter your blood to produce urine. A kidney infection is a serious medical condition that requires prompt care.
Kidney Stones
These are mineral deposits. They form in your kidneys (the organs that filter your blood to produce urine). They can cause excruciating pain, but typically they don't cause physical harm to your body.
Low Testosterone (Low-T)
Testosterone is a hormone made in men's testicles. It plays a role in sex drive. It also regulates things like hair growth and other typical male features. If your body isn't making as much testosterone as it should, we say you have "low testosterone." We also call it "low-T."
Male Infertility
For many couples, male infertility interrupts plans to have children. What causes male infertility? Well, there are many reasons.
Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD)
With this disease, you develop clusters of fluid-filled cysts. They mainly grow in your kidneys, but they can grow in your liver and in other places, too. These cysts aren't cancerous. But they can harm your kidneys and make it hard for them to work properly.
Posterior Vaginal Wall Prolapse (Rectocele)
This is a bulge in the back wall of the vagina. It happens when the thin wall of tissue between the vagina and the rectum isn't strong enough to hold back the rectum. It lets the rectum push into the vagina.
Prostate Cancer
This is a common cancer in men. It forms in the prostate. That's a small gland at the base of the male bladder. Prostate cancer usually grows slowly, but it can spread to other parts of your body.
This is a sexually transmitted disease. It's a serious problem for men and women. But it can be cured with medication.
Testicular Cancer
This cancer is most often found in males between the ages of 15 and 35. It can form in one or both testicles (also called the "testes"). These reproductive organs make sperm and sex hormones.
Urge Incontinence (Overactive Bladder)
This is when you need to urinate often and suddenly. It happens when the muscles that control your bladder have spasms. These spasms can force out urine even when your bladder isn't full. When you feel the need to go, you may have only a few seconds to get to the toilet.
Urinary Incontinence (Stress Incontinence)
This condition is an inability to hold back urine when pressure or physical stress is placed on the bladder. Stress incontinence can cause embarrassing incidents of wet clothing.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)
This is an infection of any part of your urinary system, which collects and removes urine. Most UTIs involve the urethra and bladder. But some UTIs involve the ureters and kidneys.
Vaginal Prolapse
This is a bulge in your vagina. It happens when the muscles of your vaginal walls weaken. This lets organs and structures move out of position and push into your vagina.