Fracture of the Heel Bone (Calcaneus)
This condition is a break in the heel bone, called the calcaneus, which forms the back of the foot. This bone supports the foot and is important for normal walking.
Fractures of the heel bone most commonly occur from severe trauma to the foot, often from a motor vehicle accident or a fall. Small fractures can also occur in athletes who are required to place stress on the foot for long periods of time, such as long-distance runners. Some calcaneus fractures can be associated with other injuries to the bones of the thigh, leg, or even the spine.
Symptoms of a heel bone fracture can include pain and swelling in the back of the foot or on the bottom of the heel, inability to walk, and bruising. A severe fracture may break through the skin.
Treatment options include use of a cast, splint or brace, anti-inflammatory medication, cold compress, and therapy after the removal of a splint. In cases where the bones of the foot and ankle have moved out of alignment, surgery may be required.
Please be aware that this information is provided to supplement the care provided by your physician. It is neither intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice. CALL YOUR HEALTHCARE PROVIDER IMMEDIATELY IF YOU THINK YOU MAY HAVE A MEDICAL EMERGENCY. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.