Chiropractic: Herniated Disc


Between the vertebrae of your spine are soft discs. They allow your spine to twist and bend. They absorb shocks. But they can be damaged. If the soft center of a disc pushes through the disc wall, you have a herniated disc. This bulge can press against nerves in your spine.


A herniated disc can be caused by the normal wear and tear of aging. As you get older, your spinal discs become less flexible and more prone to cracks and tears. A herniated disc can also develop because of a traumatic injury. And, it can happen if you lift something heavy.


Symptoms depend on the severity of the herniation, and where it has happened in your spine. Most happen in the lumbar spine. This can cause pain, numbness, weakness and tingling. You may feel these in a buttock, leg or foot. A herniation in your cervical spine can cause problems in your neck, shoulders, arms and hands.

Care and Management

Chiropractic care can be a safe and effective way to manage a herniated disc. Your chiropractor can create a plan that is right for your needs.