WK Childbirth and Parenting Academy

This is a series of blended courses including online and in-person content to prepare you for your journey into parenthood. Participants will have access to 5 online courses including labor and birth, postpartum, baby care, breastfeeding basics, and baby safety. Participants will also attend 2 instructor-led sessions for an opportunity to check in with an instructor and practice hands-on skills such as comfort techniques during labor, paced bottle feeding, and diapering. Unlimited access is available for 1 year for the online content. You will receive an access code to online content via email within 5 business days of purchase. 

Please Note:

  • Online Pre-Registration Is Required
  • We can have up to 10 couples for the in-person classes
  • Please scroll down to view sample videos from the Childbirth Academy

Labor and Birth


Baby Care

Breastfeeding Basics

Baby Safety