Study Title

Phase 3 Randomized Trial Comparing Overall Survival After Photon versus Proton Chemoradiotherapy for Inoperable Stage II-IIIB Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)


To compare the good and bad effects in terms of patient life span after these 2 different types of radiation therapy (photon versus proton) in combination with FDA-approved chemotherapy for lung cancer. This study will allow the researchers to know whether the proton therapy approach is better, the same, or worse then the usual photon approach in terms of survival.


18 years of age or older

Must have diagnosis of NSCLC

Must have clinical stage II or IIIB, with non-operable disease

Must have measurable disease

You Cannot:     

Have distant metastases

Have prior invasive malignancy unless disease free for at least 3 years

Have prior history of SCLC or NSCLC

Have prior chemotherapy or radiotherapy for the NSCLC

Study Process

Group 1: Photon radiation therapy plus chemotherapy followed by chemotherapy or immune therapy (usual approach group)

Group 2: Proton radiation therapy plus chemotherapy followed by chemotherapy or immune therapy (study group)

Chemotherapy & radiation will be received for about 6-7.5 weeks. Depending on the type of chemotherapy received during radiation, an additional 2 or 4 doses every 21 days of chemotherapy or immune therapy every month for up to 12 months.

Interested in more information on this clinical research study?

Contact WK Cancer Center Clinical Research Department at 318-212-8671

Trial Details



National Cancer Institute led by NRG Oncology

IRB Number:

Trial Type:



National Cancer Institute led by NRG Oncology

Contact Information:

Radiation Oncology Services

Interested in Volunteering for the Study?

If you would like more information about this study, please call us at (318) 212-8671.