Pragmatic Phase III Randomized Trial of Proton versus Photon Therapy for Patients with Non-Metastatic Breast Cancer Receiving Comprehensive Nodal Radiation: A Radiotherapy Comparative Effectiveness (RADCOMP) Consortium Trial

Study Title

Pragmatic Phase III Randomized Trial of Proton versus Photon Therapy for Patients with Non-Metastatic Breast Cancer Receiving Comprehensive Nodal Radiation: A Radiotherapy Comparative Effectiveness (RADCOMP) Consortium Trial


To compare 2 types of standard care radiation treatment: photon and proton, to find out which type is best for treating non-metastatic breast cancer.


Females or males diagnosed with invasive mammary carcinoma (ductal, lobular, or other) of the breast who have undergone either mastectomy or lumpectomy with any type of axillary surgery or axillary sampling

Patients who have undergone any type of reconstruction are allowed

Bilateral breast cancer is permitted

Patients proceeding with breast/chest wall & nodal radiation therapy including internal mammary node treatment

Age ≥ 21 years

You Cannot:            

Have cancer anywhere else

Have any prior radiation treatment for current breast cancer

Study Process

The total duration of this study is up to 10 years. The study consists of 3 periods:

Pre-Radiation Treatment Period- within 30 days prior to radiation treatment starting

Radiation Treatment Period- Daily (Monday-Friday) for approximately 5 to 7 weeks

Follow Up Period- At 1 month, 6 months, & yearly from end of radiation treatment.

Interested in more information on this clinical research study?

Contact WK Cancer Center Clinical Research Department at 318-212-8671

Trial Details


Lane Rosen, M.D.


University of Pennsylvania IRB

IRB Number:

UPCC 19115

Trial Type:



University of Pennsylvania

Contact Information:

Interested in Volunteering for the Study?

If you would like more information about this study, please call us at (318) 212-8671.