Study Title
Trugraf Long-term Clinical Outcomes Study (TRULO)
To evaluate post-transplant clinical outcomes in recipients of kidney transplants who are undergoing TruGraf and Trac monitoring.
1. At least 18 years old.
2. Recipient of kidney-transplant.
3. At least one year post transplant.
4. Stable creatinine level.
5. On immunosuppressive regimen.
6. Undergoing Trugraf or Trac testing
You cannot:
1. Have a combined organ transplant or islet cell transplant.
2. Be pregnant
3. Have HIV
4. Have BK neuropathy5. Have Protein in urine
Study Process
1. Followed for two years after enrollment.
2. Lab drawn at first visit then every 3 months at routine office visits.
3. Study stipend.
Interested in more information on clinical research? Contact WK Health System Clinical Research Department 318-212-8130
Trial Details
Neeraj Singh, M.D.
Advarra Institutional Review Board
IRB Number:
Trial Type:
Transplant Genomics
Contact Information: